After the opening of CrazyHubs Istanbul, one of CrazyLabs‘ hyper-casual game accelerator centers located in different countries around the world, with an investment of 2.5 million TL, the details of the program have been announced.
The CrazyHubs training program includes Advanced Game Development with Unity, Game Industry and Business Development (led by Tansu Kendirli from Oyunder), Player Experience and Gamification, Game Design, and Role-Playing in Games.
The teams selected for CrazyHubs Istanbul will double their knowledge level with the BUG LAB trainings at Bahcesehir University’s Game Laboratory, as well as the training they receive under the mentorship of CrazyLabs.
After a 3-month period of training, office and financial support, teams who successfully complete the program will be offered a professional publishing contract by CrazyLabs. Stating that the publishing contract offer can reach up to 1 million Turkish liras per year in proportion to the success of the teams, CrazyLabs will also support the studio-building processes of the teams with this investment.
“Training is now considerably important to step into the game industry and get adapted to it. Considering the big race we are in, it is very critical to have a good command of not only production but also many areas from business development to marketing and gain a vision. In this sense, CrazyLabs had already set up a very good training program for CrazyHubs Istanbul. Within the scope of this program, we, as BUG Lab, aim to provide participants with different perspectives on game design with the multi-disciplinary training modules we will provide on topics such as Unity, Game Design, and Gamification so that they can predict trends.” said BUG Lab Founding Director Dr. Güven Çatak.