Steam launches the fully overhauled Steam Mobile app

The company stated that the Steam Mobile app now has a fully renewed design.
Steam's library of games with a little mobile phone at the bottom of the image

Steam has announced the launch of a complete overhaul to the Steam Mobile app. The company has fully renewed the framework and design, along with adding new and useful features.

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The giant game platform boasts new features in this version of the app, such as the QR code log-in, smarter notifications, customizable tabs, and a new library design that allows remote downloads. The remote download function is a nice twist that helps the user download any game while away from home, as long as the computer is on and logged into Steam.

The newest edition allows users to check authorized devices and log out from any of them with one tap on mobile. Another convenient feature is that the app now supports multiple logins from different Steam accounts simultaneously.

Mobidictum tested out the overhauled build of the app, and things look silky smooth, except for some little nuances that users might find annoying.

For example, while the Notifications section is more precise and helpful compared to the old version, the user cannot delete notifications. There is a button to “hide” notifications, but that has to be done one by one, as there’s also no option to multi-select. Users cannot find them again after hiding them, either.

Another instance comes from the Steam Guard. When users tap on the Steam Guard button, they’re immediately welcomed by the new QR reader that automatically opens up the phone’s rear camera. This might be a bit irritating for the old-school gamers who are used to entering the Steam Guard code, even though the code section is one tap away.

Steam also mentioned bringing bug fixes along with improvements to the Steam Chat app:

“The Steam Chat app is the same feature-rich chat you’ll find in the Steam Client, with support for media, embeds, Giphy, Steam emoticons, stickers, videos, and more. Stay in touch with groups and friends alike when you’re away from your PC.”

The news was shared on the Steam News Events section, as the company emphasized that this update focuses on security. By using the QR code sign-in, users will be able to stay safe even if their account information gets exposed.

The company has also announced that the upcoming plans include QR sign support for Steam Deck, new notification types, and bringing the Authorized Devices feature to the Steam client and browser.

NEXT: Vampire Survivors became the most-played Steam Deck game yet again

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