The pilot episode of the iconic video game’s adaptation, The Last of Us, aired on HBO on January 15, 2023. According to the post-air analysis, the pilot has met and even surpassed some of the fans’ expectations. The Last of Us pilot scored 9.4 on IMDB, broke the record for the highest-rated opening episode of any video game adaptation, and became the highest-rated pilot episode ever.
Video game adaptations in movies and series have a bad reputation because it’s a double-edged sword. On one side, millions of fans anticipate the arrival of their favorite stories and characters; on the other, there is the possibility of a backlash fueled by frustration or disappointment from the same audience.
The Last of Us wasn’t exempt from these factors. Even before it was aired, there were concerns about the adaptation’s storyline, characters, and the producers’ loyalty to the source material. But these concerns appear to be put at ease according to the analysts at Best Sports Betting Canada analysis.
The Last of Us now sits beside Chernobyl, another HBO series, and over legends like Lost, Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead, True Detective, and even Game of Thrones, according to IMDB ratings. According to the list, the show has toppled all previous video game adaptations, surpassing The Witcher, Arcane: League of Legends, and Pokemon.
Although there are risks, adaptations of video games are still tempting for producers. The audience’s prior acquaintance with the material, high expectations, and a rushed product may result in flops. But satisfying successes like The Last of Us are possible when carried out by professionals with thorough knowledge and understanding of the source material and were given sufficient time to work. Since series are like marathon races, maintaining the momentum is as important as making a good start. While fans hope The Last of Us can keep its success, it’s a thing to see if it can.