Gamelight strived for a substantial volume increase with a minimal impact on bids, ensuring a sustainable and profitable ROAS while scaling the campaign.
u003cstrongu003eAbout Gamelightu003c/strongu003e
Gamelight is the world’s largest rewarded marketing platform for mobile games. Their AI Algorithm meticulously analyzes user behavior, playing patterns, and demographic data to pinpoint games that perfectly match each user’s unique interests and gaming history.
u003cstrongu003eAbout Brain Gamesu003c/strongu003e
Brain Games is the leading casual game company in free-to-play games. The studio’s mission is that its games will truly transcend and stand the test of time. With a combination of creativity, data, and passion, Brain Games conceptualizes ideas, making dreams a reality and bringing fun, innovative games to the masses worldwide.
u003cstrongu003eAbout Word Farm Adventureu003c/strongu003e
Save the farm animals in the word Scrabble puzzle game, which is one of the highest-rated word scapes games in both the Apple and Google Play stores. Unlike other word puzzle games, Word Farm Adventure is not just about solving crossword puzzles – it is also about enjoying a great escape story while fighting the evil forces that want to destroy the farm.
u003cstrongu003eCampaign executionu003c/strongu003e
Initiating the campaign, Brain Games strategically placed substantial starting bids to establish its competitiveness on Gamelight’s platform. Subsequently, they further boosted their bids by an additional 40%, leading to an impressive 480% increase in volume.
To reach the partner’s goals, Gamelight combined its ROAS algorithm with open targeting. This empowered their algorithm with valuable insights, broadening their reach to previously unexplored audience segments while simultaneously guaranteeing interactions with users most likely to convert. Gamelight’s ROAS algorithm is focused on optimizing essential metrics such as ROAS, ARPU, Engagement Rate, and Retention Rate for their promoted titles.
During the execution of the campaign in August 2023, they delivered 480% times higher volumes with only a 40% bid increase in the US.
Despite placing high bids, their partner achieved x5 times higher volumes and also achieved a 142% over-delivery on their short-term ROAS D7 goal and an impressive 145% over-delivery on their long-term ROAS D30 goal, which showcases Gamelight’s exceptional performance.
In conclusion, the collaboration between Gamelight and Brain Games has proven to be an outstanding success. Despite the high initial bids, Brain Games not only met but surpassed their profitability expectations, achieving total profitability for their products. Through strategic planning and execution, they achieved and even over-delivered their partner’s ROAS goals. This partnership has demonstrated the effectiveness of their collaboration and the ability to leverage data-driven strategies to drive exceptional results.