CrazyLabs, the top 3 mobile game publisher, has published its report on mobile game trends for May 2021. You can examine many trends from the most popular mobile game themes to the most popular game mechanics, from the most played subgenres to the most popular mobile game camera views in this report.
Which themes and subgenres are the most popular in mobile games?

According to CrazyLabs’ mobile game trends report for May, the five most popular mobile game themes are listed as follows: Food, Cars and Vehicles, Fighting, Animals, and Sports. The fact that the food theme takes the lead by far can give mobile game developers some ideas about what is liked and disliked in the industry and can be an inspiration for the games they will develop in the future.

In addition, the most popular subgenres in the mobile game industry are as follows: Runner, Arcade, Action, Puzzle, Simulation, and Racing. Given the most popular themes and subgenres, it’s always possible to top the charts by gathering the right elements together and integrating the game into the industry with the right game publishing company.
Which game mechanics do mobile players prefer?

In the report, the most preferred game mechanics of mobile players are listed as follows: Dragging, Swerving, Tapping, Aiming, Drawing, Timing, Merging, Rising/Falling, and Growing.
The fact that mobile players mostly prefer the dragging mechanic in games is an indication that the mechanic is quite comfortable and easy to apply. Game mechanics are one of the most important issues that developers need to consider for a game development process, as mobile gamers need to get used to the game’s mechanics before they can enjoy a game.
The most popular camera views in the CrazyLabs report

Mobile gamers mostly prefer the Back View camera angle with 31%. Then the list continues with Front View (27.7%), Isometric (20.4%), Top-Down (14.7%), Dynamic (3.5%), and Sideview (2.9%) in this ranking of most popular camera views.

In addition, in the perspective distribution evaluated depending on the camera angles, we see that the third-person camera angle is the most preferred perspective with a high rate of 74.1%. It is followed by a first-person camera angle with a rate of 25.9%.

Thanks to the mobile game technology that is developing a little more every day, mobile game graphics have started to become more realistic like PC and console games graphics. For this reason, we can clearly see that players no longer prefer two-dimensional (2D) games as much as three-dimensional (3D) games. While 92.7% of mobile gamers prefer three-dimensional mobile games, only 7.3% prefer two-dimensional games.