It was clear from the beginning that Sony Interactive Entertainment president Jim Ryan’s decision to buy Bungie supported the company’s live services operations, but today, along with the post-acquisition statements, Sony gave an idea of how high its expectations from Bungie are.
“Through the collaboration between Bungie and PlayStation Studios, we aim to release more than 10 live service games by the fiscal year ending March 31, 2026,” Sony said.
The company also made the following comments;
“Through this acquisition, we intend to acquire new users and increase engagement on platforms other than PlayStation, which will enable us to significantly advance our long-term growth strategy of further expanding the ecosystem of our game business. Catalyzed by the acquisition of Bungie, we intend to accelerate the growth of our first-party game software revenue, aiming to more than double the current amount by FY25.”
Given the importance of Bungie staff talent to these plans, Sony also highlighted its plans to retain studio staff post-acquisition.
It said most Bungie shares were held by employees and that roughly one-third of the $3.6 billion purchase price for the studio was made in the form of deferred payments that are contingent on continued employment, and the acquisition will continue for several years after completion.