Following Creative Director Mark Bozon, who left the Apple Arcade team last week for finding his “dream job,” came the news of Executive Producer Kathy Astromoff’s departure this week. Astromoff stated in a tweet that she quit her job to become a full-time “climate activist”. Thanks for the heads up!
Astromoff, who joined the Apple Arcade team as Executive Producer in 2018, previously served as the Vice President of Developer Success at Twitch for three years.
On the other hand, Mark Bozon stated in a tweet last week that he left for his dream job and will share more information soon. Bozon worked for Apple for 12 years. Bozon, who started his career as a Game Editor, stood out with his work at IGN before joining the Apple team in 2018.
Resignations continue
Breakups aren’t limited to Astromoff and Boson. Head of Content Nicola Sebastiani, who left the Apple Arcade team in the past months, stepped down to become Vice President and Head of Mobile at PlayStation.
In January, Apple Arcade Program Manager Julian Chunovic took on a new role at Netflix as part of the external game production team.