What is the career pathway of a Unity Marketing Developer?
We've interviewed with Youssef Zerouali, Unity Marketing Developer at Voodoo.
Mobidictum Business Network hosts more than 600 participants
Three days left for the big event.
Coda gives prizes of up to $10,000 to viral game concept
Mobile games publishing platform Coda gives up to 10 thousand dollars to viral game concepts with its latest…
Mobidictum Business Network brings the gaming industry together on May 8-9
Mobidictum Business Network connects leading companies in the mobile game industry and Turkish developers in May!
White Nights will rock the game industry on October 26-30
How do you feel about five days of networking and talks to be held by game industry stars?…
WePlay Ventures to invest in early-stage gaming startups
WePlay Ventures aims to invest in early-stage gaming startups that can create global success stories. WePlay Ventures will…