If you’re in your thirties, you’ve witnessed a time when “traditional card games” went out of the mainstream and became an offline activity to pass the time in the evenings when there was no power or internet, while “elite” names like Magic: The Gathering became the pastime of a small but dedicated audience.
From this point of view, it’s very pleasing to see how “digital card games”, which promised “15 minutes of quick fun” when they first met our phones and computers, have evolved and how they have embraced other genres. Cardboard Town, the new game of Türkiye-based Stratera Games, which has received “very good” reviews in its first week in early access, is a game that has been able to melt both genres in one pot and aims to add pleasant touches to the genre.

While the game promises a very fast development, it already has enough content that will keep you on the game for hours. Cardboard Town, which received very good reviews both internally and externally, managed to find itself in 11th place among the games released in the same period.
Of course, Dora Özsoy, the founder of Stratera Games, addressed some of the points that are as intriguing as Cardboard Town with a flood on Twitter. Although this flood, which was prepared in Turkish, is based on local taxes and conditions, you can access it from this link if you are curious about. Dora Özsoy gave a general picture of their first week in early access in terms of statistics and earnings by writing down which taxes they paid on their gross revenue, the commissions they paid to Steam, what kind of problems they faced, and how much money they had left in their hands.

Cardboard Town’s Steam early access price is $19.99. If you think “luck and skill are both important in the city building business!” or if you’re interested in either type, you might want to check it out.