Com2uS, which has recently focused on building the metaverse, announced a strategic investment in 5X5 Gaming, a new US-based play-to-earn NFT game developer. The studio, founded by Deniz Gezgin, is making a game called “Battle of Nations,” where players collect and grow character cards while enjoying various modes from single player to PvP. Players will be able to craft and upgrade NFT card items directly by class.
Com2uS will be the seed investor for 5X5 Gaming, executing a strategy to strengthen research and investment in the global play-to-earn gaming market. Com2uS has invested heavily in all these so-called “emerging technologies” over the past few months, and it looks like it will continue to do so.
Com2uS has expanded the company’s manufacturing operations globally since the beginning of 2021. Another upcoming game, World of Zenonia, will use a blockchain ecosystem and be released in the second half of the year.