Another day, another successful event! 133 industry professionals from 11 countries attended Mobidictum Network Tallinn 2023, and this is how it will be remembered and cherished.
The event, which opened its doors on October 26th at 09:00 at Kultuurikatel in Tallinn, located in the center of the Baltic region, continued with round table discussions that started one after another with highly esteemed participants.
Mobidictum Network Tallinn 2023, Mobidictum‘s last networking event in 2023, aimed to provide attendees with a rich and pleasant experience in the magnificent atmosphere of Kultuurikatel and the company of prominent industry professionals with its different concepts. It also paved the way for the attendees to communicate with each other, establish business contacts, and generate ideas for projects they can do together.
The event was realized with 42 companies and 133 participants from 11 countries, and we would like to thank our partners GameDev Estonia, EAS Enterprise Estonia, and our sponsors Gamecan, Adjust, Saber Estonia, Full Cycle, Codemagic, and Bopact Partners for their contributions.
![Mobidictum Round Table Discussion](
![Mobidictum Network Event](
Different topics were discussed in round table discussions moderated by industry professionals.
-Engage Better, Forming Relationship with the Press / Batuhan Avucan – Mobidictum
-What Are The New Emerging Genres and Potential Chart Breakers / Buğrahan Göker – EA
-Marketing in Metaverse for Brands and Games / Steven Teras – Simple Magic
-The Impact of Culture on Game Excellence / Marten Palu – Gamecan
-Game Design Principles / Ahmed El Shenawy – Placeholder Gameworks
-The Future of Applied Games and Gamification / Niko Pyrhönen – Psyon Games
-Team Dynamics in Game Development / Jazeps Rutkis – Latvian Game Developers Assoc.
-F2P Monetization Models and How to Scale Up Revenues / Arto Kayhkö – Apprien
-Cooperation Opportunities Between Baltic States / Andrejs Rusinovskis – GameDev Estonia
-User Experience Interaction in Gaming / Ruslan Gogin – Textier
-Career Paths in Game Art and Design / Mark Vorobjov – Ringtail Studios
![Batuhan Avucan, Mobidictum](
Mobidictum Founder and Managing Director Batuhan Avucan added,
“It was an honor to organize this event in the city where Mobidictum was founded, and we plan to make it an annual event!”
Mobidictum Network Tallinn was, of course, about more than just business meetings and discussions on the state of the industry. Our Business Ticket holders also came together at a charming Executive Dinner where they were able to try some of the most exquisite delicacies. You can access the photo album via the link below.
We have concluded one more event, but Mobidictum’s activities will continue. Stay tuned, and don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated.