Mobidictum Network Lisbon 2024 Recap

Mobidictum Network Lisbon took place last Tuesday at Hub Creativo Beato. With more than 100 attendees, the event left a significant mark on the Lisbon gaming scene.

Mobidictum Network Lisbon took place last Tuesday at Hub Creativo Beato. With more than 100 attendees, the event left a significant mark on the Lisbon gaming scene.

The event kicked off the day before with the icebreaker pre-party at Original Games’ studio. Just like its name, attendees and speakers had a chance to get to know each other and start their networking before the event.

On the 16th, the event opened its doors at 10 AM, and Our host, Marie Mejerwall, waived the start flag to roundtable sessions at 10.30 AM. İbrahim Kaya (Suji Games) and Afonso Ferreira (DECA Games) were the hosts of the first session, discussing “Self-Publishing: Discussing Pros & Cons in the Post-Hypercasual, Post-IDFA Landscape” and “Navigating Burnout in the Game Development Industry” respectively.

The second session started at 11.30 with one of our sponsors, Gamelight’s José Pedroso‘s “AI targeting in User Acquisition” topic, along with Vadym Syvolap‘s (Plarium) “Product roadmap building” and Francisco Moreira‘s (Startup Lisboa) “Growing Gaming scene in Lisbon”.

While the roundtables were in session, our attendees kept the excitement alive by networking and sharing the experience. The lunch break brought everybody together, and the discussions shifted to the incredible local food. Conversations over a meal always hit differently and break social shyness.

Diogo Vasconcelos (Nerd Monkeys), Robson Siebel (Infinity Games), and Igor Kaliuzhnyi (Neon Goose) started their sessions right after the lunch break. Diogo’s roundtable session was about “Porting Outside Routine Techniques: Imagining Native Gameplay,” while Robson and Igor discussed “Designing Impactful Live Events for Mobile Games” and “LiveOps Cycle & Art Delivery How to Make Everyone Happy,” respectively.

Brian Meidell (FRVR) discussed “How will AI change the games industry?” in the next session of roundtables, António Lopes and André Rufo (AstralShift) shed light on the topic “Can visuals carry my game?: On graphical identity, Game art and Marketing” and our gracious icebreaker party host Arseny Lebedev (Original Games) came to his roundtable with “Cut through the noise, what are the topics worth investigating in 2024 for Mobile Game Growth”.

In the last session of roundtables, one of our own, Mobidictum’s Founder & Managing Director Batuhan Avucan, discussed “Don’t get ghosted; How to get a media coverage,” and Jeferson Valadares (Fortis Games) shared his experiences and insights about “Selling your game studio – why, when, how?”

While the roundtable sessions ended, Marie Mejerwall gathered everyone and asked about their stories about epic failures in their careers. This interactive session brought personal experiences to the public, which was invaluable.

The after-party started right after everyone shared their stories of epic failures, which may have led to the increase in drinks consumed.

Joking aside, we are very proud of our first network event in Lisbon. We would like to thank our institutional partners IndieX, APVP, Lisbon Gaming Hub, and GameDevLisbon, media partners DevGamm, and PGC, and of course, our sponsor eGamesLab, Gamelight, Bopact Partners, Revium, Original Games, along with everyone who attended the event.

See you at our next events!

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