The International Game Developers Association (IGDA), a nonprofit professional association, has shared its latest survey on developer satisfaction. The new survey will provide data to support and empower game developers.
IGDA says, “The DSS provides important data for our global industry. Your participation helps the International Game Developers Association (IGDA) identify current trends, attitudes, and perceptions across the games industry at the developer level. All game creators and individuals from the games industry can participate in the survey, and it’s available in seven languages.”
You can take the survey at:

The IGDA will use the aggregated data internally, will issue press releases on points of interest, and will publish reports by academic researchers on its website. The academic researchers will also use the data for academic publications. The Principal Investigator will securely keep the data for at least seven years to allow for longitudinal analysis with past and future surveys. The data will also be permanently stored on Western University’s data repository – Dataverse – to allow access to the IGDA and other researchers upon request.