CrazyLabs’ Publishing For All Program

CrazyLabs’ “Publishing for All Program” guarantees that the game developers earn money, even if their game doesn’t reach the top charts.
crazylabs logo over gray background.

Developers often find themselves with a good game – but with a lower potential of becoming a hit. While a $20,000 or even $5,000 monthly profit can be a fantastic income for the developer, it is well under the standard profit for the publisher. The result – a game that could have provided a nice income for the developer who invested months working on it, ends up unpublished. 

To tackle this, in 2021, CrazyLabs became the first game publisher to offer developers the unique opportunity to enjoy profit from their games under the developer’s account through the Publishing For All program (PFA). 

Since the program’s launch, developers have earned over $20 million in revenue and over 180 million in cumulative downloads. 

The PFA program sets specific KPIs but puts your interest first. Games considered for the program will need strong retention and ARPU (average revenue per user)(that will be defined per case). However, at some point, it failed to scale, or the CPI increased. The game will remain in your account, giving the studio control and responsibility for the game, its updated timeline, and its maintenance roadmap.

“The PFA program is a real game changer as it allows us to focus on developing our games and ultimately build our studio’s future. It’s an incredible program as the monthly income enables us to keep developing new games while taking off the pressure to create a hit game”, said Amit Dahan, CEO at Halfbit. 

“As developers ourselves, we know how frustrating it can be to see your game get so close, only to end up nowhere,” says Guy Tomer, COO at CrazyLabs. ”As part of the ongoing relationship with our partners, and further to their feedback, we decided to create a new funnel dedicated to games that can generate a profit for the developer. We’re proud to work with over 350 developers worldwide and welcome new developers interested in applying.”

We invite you to submit your hyper-casual games and test them inside the CLIK Dashboard. You’re also invited to submit games that have been passed on for publishing and enter the program.

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