Famobi brings 28 popular apps with 2.3B downloads to the web

Famobi exclusively represents 28 popular apps, that collectively boast 2.3 billion downloads. They bring these games to the web as HTML5 titles.

Formerly known as Kaiser Games, Famobi has more than 10 years of experience in the HTML5 gaming space. The company specializes in fully responsive, text-free games optimized for the smallest possible file sizes, allowing players to enjoy both 3D and classic games seamlessly across various platforms.

İlker Aydin, CEO & Founder of Famobi, announced that their 28 exclusive apps have collectively reached 2.3 billion downloads. Leading game studios, including APPS, Azur Games, Fugo Games, Matchingham Games, TapNation, and ZeptoLab, have partnered with Famobi to transform their games into HTML5, bringing their creations to new audiences on the web.

The company also collaborates with top platforms such as Google, Microsoft, Xiaomi Technology, and YouTube to ensure widespread distribution and visibility for their games.

Image Credit: LinkedIn

İlker Aydin will be in the Mobidictum Conference and speak about web games market in today’s industry. Head to the Mobidictum Conference 2024 page for further details and to secure your spot today.

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