Gala Games launches turn-based RPG Champions Arena

Champions Arena lets players collect more than 100 fascinating and unique NFT Champions and various NFT items.

Gala Games, the Web3 games company that uses decentralization, player ownership, and reward economies, announced the launch of Champions Arena, a new turn-based RPG available on mobile and for the PC on the Gala Launcher. Developed by Uniflow, Champions Arena lets players collect more than 100 fascinating and unique NFT Champions and various NFT items.

Champions Arena appeals to a broad range of gamers – from those who love the competition and want to test their skills in a game of smarts, to the collectors who have to get ‘the perfect’ Champions group, to those who love to tinker, experimenting with new builds and combinations to optimize their gameplay.

To play, dispatch Champions on missions, or control them directly in real-time tactical, turn-based battles. With your customized in-game avatar, move through the arenas, unlocking new content to gain battle-active skills and utility passive traits. Avatars can also summon unique Champions that range from science fiction to fantasy, each with its own culture.

Champions Arena’s five types of gameplay in which to dominate the opposition are PvE: Campaign, PvP: Arena, PvP (auto): Mayhem – Mining Plunder, and RvE: Mayhem – Monster Raid.

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