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Mobidictum Reports offers comprehensive information and data on the gaming industry. You can read reports, research, statistics and data about the size, dynamics, trends, opportunities and challenges of the gaming industry.
8.4 billion hours have been spent by gamers on Twitch
Twitch keeps its throne among other live streaming platforms.
Tencent’s gaming revenues tripled in five years
Tencent keeps increasing its revenue in gaming.
Revenue of digital video games hit 146 billion dollars in 2021
Revenue rates in gaming keep increasing.
Facebook Gaming intimidates its competitors with its statistics
Facebook Gaming stats continue to increase positively.
iOS 14.5: The imminent role change of Facebook MMPs
Tenjin shares its detailed report about the changes of Facebook MMPs and how it affects developers.
Turkish games in the USA App Store charts
Six games from Turkey hit the top charts in the USA.