Coronavirus has hit the industry hard, real hard. Today we also shared White Nights Conference Barcelona 2020 cancellation news as many other events did like GDC or MWC. Life has to continue, that’s why many organizers like our partners Pocket Gamer decided to go digital. BAFTA Games Awards will do join the virtual world too for the first time.
Streamed live with no audience
The British Academy of Film and Television Arts announced today that BAFTA Games Awards will go live on April 2 but with no live audience. In a statement on BAFTA’s official website, the organization said:
The health and wellbeing of our guests and our staff remain our top priority, so there will be no live audience and we are now in the process of informing all our nominees, guests, partners, and suppliers of the change.
The “new format” will include the announcement of the Game Awards winners as well. BAFTA Game Awards will keep monitoring the situation about coronavirus and will make decisions on a case-by-case basis. Which will be based on the latest official recommendations from the World Health Organization and U.K. health authorities.
BAFTA Game Awards are not the only one going digital
As we mentioned above, BAFTA will join Pocket Gamer with its first digital conference on April 6. After E3 cancellation, Microsoft announced that it’s going digital. Another company going digital is the French giant Ubisoft who is “exploring other options for a digital experience” that will allow them to share all exciting news. Electronic Arts haven’t decided yet about how it’s going to announce its plans but will share more info soon. Furthermore, Devlover Digital might live stream their plans too. Coronavirus shows no sign of stopping, a lot of cancellation and plan changes happened because of it. You can check most of the news through our website by clicking here. In the meantime, stay safe!