Developed by Metacore Games and launched in September 2020, Merge Mansion has passed two important milestones. The game reached 55 million downloads and $500 million in lifetime revenue.
Merge Mansion reached 1 million daily players in May 2021 and 15M downloads in August 2021. In December 2021, the game launched its first live-action campaign featuring Kathy Bates as Grandma Ursula. Two years later, the game started its mansion opening campaign event featuring Pedro Pascal, Jesse Williams, Ashley Benson, and a group of influencers.
The game has over 2 million daily users. Its key markets include the US, Japan, Germany, France, and the UK. The majority of the player base are millennial women between 25 and 45 years old.
Metacore Games celebrated the achievement on its LinkedIn Page:
Our commitment to delivering world-class entertainment remains stronger than ever and we’re just getting started with Merge Mansion.
Player feedback is at the heart of everything we do. Our players’ love for merging and mystery continues to inspire us to keep pushing the boundaries of creativity and entertain hundreds of millions of people for decades.
Grandma Ursula still has plenty of surprises up her sleeve. Stay tuned!
About Merge Mansion
Merge Mansion is a discovery puzzle game where players complete tasks by creating various items that are generated from merging different items together. Starring Maddie and her Grandma Ursula, players renovate mansion grounds in this game to uncover a family drama packed full of mystery and unexpected twists.
The gameplay is relaxing and fast paced in Merge Mansion. Dramatic advertisements offer glimpses of upcoming game content, enhancing the game’s lore and engaging players. Some of the game’s ads have gone viral and become memes.