REMNANT II brings players into a post-apocalyptic world, demanding a skillful blend of strategic ranged and close-quarters combat to prevail against cunning adversaries and formidable boss encounters. Players must overcome treacherous trials together alone or cooperating with two other players. With each new playthrough, REMNANT II generates a fresh world composed of diverse locations, enemies, non-playable characters (NPCs), bosses, and an extensive arsenal of weapons. This dynamic system creates an immersive experience where elements seamlessly integrate into the world and narrative, providing players with unique encounters.
Building upon its predecessor, REMNANT II introduces an enhanced Archetype system that offers players greater flexibility to tailor their play styles. This system allows for improved coordination of passive abilities and powerful synergies in cooperative gameplay. Players can explore a wide array of gameplay styles by unlocking, leveling up, and equipping multiple Archetypes simultaneously.
Gearbox Publishing and Gunfire Games have unveiled a new video highlighting the impressive skills and capabilities of the Hunter Archetype in their highly anticipated action-survival shooter, REMNANT II. The Hunter Archetype is a specialized character class that excels in long-range combat, precision shooting, and enemy detection.
REMNANT II is set to be released on July 25, 2023, for PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S platforms. Players who opt for the digital version of REMNANT II Ultimate Edition will have the advantage of gaining early access, allowing them to start playing on July 21st. Additionally, those who pre-order any digital edition will have the bonus privilege of unlocking the Gunslinger Archetype before the official release.