Renowned fashion designer Tommy Hilfiger, through his investment firm Hilfiger Ventures, has ventured into the gaming world by creating a fashion styling game, FashionVerse. The free-to-play mobile game introduces generative AI to enhance 3D looks, offering players an immersive experience in styling life-like avatars with realistic outfits. Developed by Brandible Games and published by Tilting Point, FashionVerse sets itself apart by utilizing AI to elevate graphics and offer diverse avatars.
FashionVerse allows players to participate in styling and mood board challenges, with the option to purchase additional pieces or win rewards. Hilfiger expressed his belief that video games will become a significant retail platform, emphasizing the substantial shopping activity observed during gameplay. The game is set to launch globally on January 16, 2024, and will be available on both F2P platforms and Netflix simultaneously.
The game’s early success during tests Southeast Asia, Germany, and Italy, where it ranked in the top 10, showcases its potential appeal. Despite early skepticism in the industry, Hilfiger sees FashionVerse as an opportunity for users to express themselves through avatars and potentially create user-generated content, envisioning a future where players design their clothes within the app. The game’s integration into Netflix aims to tap into the streaming platform’s massive user base of over 247 million members.
FashionVerse aims to fill a gap in the gaming space for fashion enthusiasts and capitalize on the growing game industry, projected to reach $665 billion by 2030. As gaming expands beyond traditional video games into metaverse worlds and e-commerce, FashionVerse presents an avenue for fashion brands to broaden revenue streams and engage with younger consumers.