Vertigo Games reached 50 million players in 2020

Vertigo Games reached its goal of 50 million players in 2020. The company stated that its goal for 2021 is 100 million players.
50 milyon oyuncuya ulaşan Vertigo Games hedefini büyütüyor.

Founded by two Turkish entrepreneurs, Vertigo Games reached its goal of 50 million players in 2020. The company stated that their goal for 2021 is 100 million players.

“The pandemic had both advantages and disadvantages”

Vertigo Games, founded by Murat Sayın and Ali Sayın in 2013, managed to reach a wide range of players with their online FPS game Critical Strike. The game, which launched 4 years ago, continues to be developed with updates.

The fact that games are now an effective tool for socialization, increases the importance of online mobile games such as Critical Strike in our lives. Players can socialize with other players around the world through games, from their home and reinforce communication by various tasks.

Vertigo Games told Mobidictum about their experiences during the pandemic. “Of course, the pandemic had both advantages and disadvantages,” they said.

“First of all, working remotely is a really difficult business model in a job where everything is done jointly and together. Sometimes, we talked about a situation that we could talk in 10-15 minutes, online for half an hour or more. Everyone has done their part, and in a short time, we’ve got used to working from our homes.

Of course, lockdowns also provides an advantage by increasing the number of our players, increasing our daily active users, and the time spent on the game. ”

Vertigo Games office
Vertigo Games team

Critical Strike currently has 3 million monthly active users from 200 countries. Progressing with the F2P business model, the game generates revenue with in-app purchases, weekly subscriptions, and award-winning ads.

“Our trust was strong while setting our goals. We had full confidence in ourselves that we could do it. When we got stuck, we used it to get up faster.”

Vertigo Games will expand its team in 2021

The company also started a Unity series for those who want to enter the industry or improve themselves. Published in partnership with Boğaziçi University, the series includes detailed training on how to develop a game in Unity. Those who want to follow the series can visit Vertigo Games’ YouTube channel.

Expressing that they organized the Unity training as a guide for young people who want to enter the game industry and those who try to improve themselves in the industry, Vertigo Games also stated that they have achieved good results.

“Obviously, this was not an unexpected situation. Our training videos were watched by thousands of people, we received hundreds of thank you and greeting messages. Our only expectation from the videos is that it becomes more widespread. In the future, maybe another training series will come :)”

The company, which has not received any third-party investment so far, continues to work independently on its games. According to the company’s statement, among the 2021 goals is to scale by increasing user acquisition budgets. Besides, new plans include expanding the team by preserving the agile team structure.

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