Tsukuyomi, a formidable light-devouring Kemono, is set to arrive in Azuma, posing a significant challenge for hunters. The latest update introduces Tsukuyomi’s presence at Fuyufusagi Fort, offering new weapons and an armor set. Four thrilling Serial Hunt Quests featuring Mighty and Volatile Kemono have also been added.
Known as the “Specter of the Eclipse,” Tsukuyomi devours sunlight to empower its attacks, making it resilient against physical strikes. Strategic approaches and elemental means are crucial to overcoming this formidable foe. The Serial Hunt quests only feature Mighty and Volatile Kemono and demand hunters’ utmost skill and perseverance.
Serial Hunts entail battling a gauntlet of Kemono within a specific timeframe without the opportunity to heal between hunts. Successfully defeating targets increases rewards, while failure results in no rewards. Completion of all targets in a single run grants Chat Stamps and Emotes as additional incentives.
Moreover, the update highlights the integration of Dolby Atmos and DTS:X, enriching the immersive audio experience. The realistic soundscapes amplify the impact of Giant Kemono roars, native Japanese birdsong, and other environmental details, transporting players to the world of Azuma.
Accompanied by captivating compositions from renowned musicians such as Masashi Hamauzu and Daisuke Shinoda, WILD HEARTS offers a vibrant and atmospheric gameplay experience. With the new challenges, gear, and quests, hunters must exhibit exceptional skills and determination to conquer the ever-evolving trials in Azuma.