Xsolla, has launched its new Mobile Game Commerce solution to help mobile developers and publishers.
Thanks to the new solution, developers will be able to streamline user acquisition and create new ways for players to discover their games. Besides, the technology enables developers to simplify the online game commerce experience, build an online player community, expand their global reach, and increase future transaction revenue.
The application could expand globally as the new solution provides more than 700 payment methods for consumers. Thus, players can purchase in-game currency with local currencies.

“Game developers of all sizes face many challenges working within the current app store business model — from discoverability and limited player data to scaling and low-profit margins,” said Xsolla president Chris Hewish.
“Our new Mobile Game Commerce solution helps developers overcome these restraints and succeed by creating a seamless experience that drives revenue back to those making the games.”
More than 700 payment methods
The Mobile Game Commerce solution has been adopted by a group of developers, including Nexters, NetEase, and Gtarcade.
Xsolla has more than 700 different payment methods worldwide. The company currently works with more than 1,500 game companies and 2,000 games. Xsolla’s focus mainly on games made it possible for them to understand what developers need to run their business. In this way, the company has helped its game partners generate more than $3 billion in revenue across 3,400 games.
Mobile Game Commerce offers developers tools to successfully run PC and online versions of their games and allow players to add virtual currencies to their accounts.