GameMaker switches to a one-off fee model

While the Unity crisis has calmed down in one way or another, there is still a lot to talk about in terms of its impact on the industry.

You may have followed the details of the fallout from Unity‘s pricing plans that led to the resignation of its CEO, John Riccitiello. Although the expected step back from Unity came in a short time, its effects on the industry are still continuing.

This time, our subject is GameMaker because they have announced that they are abandoning their subscription model for non-profit projects and indie developers in light of the developments in the industry.

The company, which develops game engines for indie developers, announced that from now on, it will offer its products free of charge for non-profit projects (not developed for consoles). For indie developers, the subscription model will be scrapped and replaced with a one-off $100 payment system, allowing you to publish your game on desktop and mobile platforms.

At the same time, judging by how they answered Godot Engine‘s query on Twitter, it looks like we can expect something from GameMaker regarding open-source in the near future.

NEXT: From PC to mobile: The successful adaptation of major game titles

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