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306 posts
adicteev logo
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Stop losing valuable users with Adikteev’s User Churn Prediction

Adikteev's User Churn Prediction gives you greater visibility over your app audience in a privacy-centric world. Revolutionize user retention strategies with Adikteev's impressive churn prediction model. Enhance marketing efforts, reduce churn rates, and improve user retention. Learn more today.
crazylabs logo with in-game images from drawing carnival.
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Drawing Carnival case study

A look into CrazyLabs' latest game, Drawing Carnival, and how it reached number one on Google Play in the US.
supersonic logo
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Combine game mechanics and win cash prizes

Supersonic’s Follow the Formula contest is giving away cash prizes for game developers who follow its formulas (specific combinations of mechanics and genres that can help you maximize LTV). Supersonic is even providing insights and details into how to develop winning titles that combine genres and mechanics most effectively.
crazy labs logo next to a smartphone with xbox, nintendo switch and playstation logos at the top.
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Watch your games soar on multiple premium platfoms

CrazyLabs offers partner studios an unprecedented opportunity to publish their mobile games on these premium platforms, including Nintendo Switch, Xbox, and PlayStation, unlocking unparalleled exposure and revenue growth.