Mobidictum Network Tallinn: What to Expect? 

Mobidictum Network Tallinn, the third networking event organized by Mobidictum this year, will take place on October 26th at Tallinn – Kultuurikatel and will host more than 100 attendees from the Mobile and PC industries.

Mobidictum Network Tallinn 2023, the last networking event Mobidictum will organize in 2023, aims to provide attendees with a productive and pleasant experience in the magnificent atmosphere of Kultuurikatel and in the company of elite industry professionals. Business ticket holders of the event will also be invited to the Executive Dinner on October 25th.

So, what can we expect from this event? 

On October 26th, the event will start at 09:00, and Round Table Talks led by industry professionals will begin at 10:00. So which topics will be discussed in these Round Tables?

10:00: Engage Better, Forming Relationship with the Press / Batuhan Avucan – Mobidictum

Batuhan Avucan will discuss his views on communicating effectively with the press, pitching your story or idea to the media, dealing with negative publicity and crisis management, strengthening your message, and leveraging digital platforms.

10:00: What Are The New Emerging Genres and Potential Chart Breakers / Buğrahan Göker – Electronic Arts

The discussion will feature how to create and promote new genres and a global audience and challenge the conventional gaming charts; it will also showcase some of the potential chart breakers of the future who are making waves in the gaming scene with their innovative and creative games.

10:00: Marketing in Metaverse for Brands and Games / Steven Teras – Simple Magic

In this discussion, we will investigate how to find and engage with your potential customers in the digital world, monitor and improve your marketing efforts, and foresee and adjust to changes and innovations in the metaverse in the future.

11:00: The Impact of Culture on Game Excellence / Marten Palu – Gamecan

Let’s explore how culture shapes and is shaped by game design and the gaming experience and perspectives on how culture affects various facets of games. We will also investigate how games can mirror, challenge, and transform culture, as well as how games can promote intercultural dialogue and understanding.

11:00: Game Design Principles / Ott Madis “Oak” Ozolit – Placeholder Gameworks

Game Design Principles is a round table discussion that will delve into the fundamental concepts and techniques of crafting engaging and fun games. Let’s discuss how to build your game around a core mechanic determining the game’s journey.

11:00: The Future of Applied Games and Gamification / Niko Pyrhönen – Psyon Games

We will examine the current and emerging trends, opportunities, and challenges of applying games and gamification to various domains and purposes. The discussion will also present some of the best examples of applied games and gamification projects that illustrate the potential and value of games and gamification in various fields.

14:00: Team Dynamics in Game Development: Leading with Vision and Efficiency / Jazeps Rutkis – Latvian Game Developers Assoc.

How do you articulate a lucid and captivating vision for your game project? The round table will present some of the best practices and examples of thriving game development teams demonstrating the significance and value of team dynamics.

14:00: F2P Monetization Models and How to Scale Up Revenues / Arto Kayhkö – Apprien

Let’s delve into the best practices and strategies for generating revenue from free-to-play (F2P) mobile games. The discussion will also feature insights and experiences on devising and implementing practical and engaging monetization models for F2P games.

15:00: Cooperation Opportunities Between Baltic States / Andrejs Rusinovskis – GameDev Estonia

Utilizing the strengths and advantages of the Baltic games industry, such as a skilled workforce, a vibrant start-up culture, a supportive policy environment, and a strong presence in niche genres.

15:00: AI and User Experience Interaction in Gaming / Ruslan Gogin – Textier

AI is now all around us, and the gaming world is the flagbearer of this new era. The discussion will also cover using AI to create more dynamic, responsive, and immersive gameplay experiences. 

15:00: Career Paths in Game Art and Design / Mark Vorobjov – Ringtail Studios

We call art that which makes the play recognizable at a glance among others. Because of this, we will explore the various roles and opportunities for game artists and designers in the game industry.

Click the get the complete company list.

Of course, this event is about more than just round tables and business talks. On October 26th, after the end of the event, we will be at Pohja Öökull at exactly 19:00 for the Networking and Cocktail Party.  

At this event, you will have the chance to meet leading names in the gaming world, share knowledge and experience, and find business and cooperation opportunities. After the event, you can make new connections in a pleasant chat environment at the networking cocktail we have prepared for you.

You can buy your ticket for Mobidictum Network Tallinn 2023 now.

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