Recoil of weapon in PUBG Mobile is one of the most difficult issues for players in the game. Because sometimes when your gun is out of your control, it can take things to very bad places. With a few small changes, you can change this situation very simply and continue your game soundly.
PUBG Mobile Recoil of Weapon Reduction
Each weapon has its own unique features in PUBG Mobile. Some weapons have low rebound, low damage, and some weapons have high rebound as well as high damage. This situation, which varies from weapon to weapon, limits the players’ control over the weapon. This situation, which is a big problem especially for new players, can also annoy the players who have been playing the game for a while. However, you can overcome this situation with a few small changes.

1 – Camera and Sensitivity Settings
This situation, which most players often forget, affects your game more than you think. It is possible to find yourself with the camera and sensitivity settings, which are of great importance. You can provide a more comfortable gaming experience by changing many settings related to the gameplay of the game. This may also eliminate your other problems over the control of the game, especially the recoil of weapons.
2 – Crouch or Lie face down while shooting
Crouching and lying face down? Absolutely. Again, you can increase the accuracy of your bullets by applying this suggestion, which is unknown to most players, while shooting. These situations that will limit your mobility will allow your bullets to reach your opponent more stably. Therefore, when shooting, it is useful to be ready to crouch at the beginning and, rarely, to lie face down.

3 – Know Your Gun
As we mentioned in the previous lines, each weapon in PUBG Mobile has its own features. This makes each weapon unique. For this reason, it is a little difficult to know each weapon very well in a very short time. However, if you know the features of other weapons, especially those you will use frequently, you can turn this situation to your advantage. You can also improve yourself more comfortably if you play until you have full control of a weapon without constantly changing weapons to master all weapons. To get more information about weapons, you can visit our PUBG Mobile weapon damage content.
4 – Find Your Shooting Mode
Some weapons have special shooting modes. In other words, you can fire one by one while firing, you can fire a few bullets in one shot or you can drown your enemy in bullets directly. Although most players usually use the automatic mode, it can be useful to switch to other shooting modes from time to time with some weapons. For this reason, when you are not in a very difficult situation, you can try other shooting modes of the guns and discover the shooting mode that suits you and test which mode you can use in which situation.

5 – Use Both Fire Buttons
You can use the fire button on either side of the screen. If you do not have great difficulties in moving and directing your character in the game, you can use this method to enter into conflicts more effectively. With this feature that will allow you to shoot even while dealing with the camera, you have the chance to react faster against your opponents. By considering these suggestions, you can improve your game and increase the pleasure you get from PUBG Mobile.