Playdate, the handheld gaming device developed by Panic, has seen significant success since its storefront, Catalog, launched in March 2023. According to recent reports, Playdate developers have collectively earned over $500,000 by selling their titles on the platform.
The revenue milestone comes alongside the news that over 150,000 games have been sold via Catalog, generating a total of $544,290 for developers after accounting for taxes, processing fees, and Panic’s 25 percent distribution fee. The average price for a game on Playdate over the past year was $5.36, although developers can set their own prices ranging from $1 to $15.
Panic also shared insights into the demographics of Playdate users, revealing that the platform’s top territories for game purchases include the USA, UK, Germany, Canada, and Japan. Additionally, it was noted that 38,000 Playdate users, approximately 53 percent, have made a purchase on Catalog, with the remaining 32,000 users focusing on the titles included in the handheld’s Season One.
The Playdate storefront currently hosts 181 titles, with more added each month. However, this number excludes over 800 titles for download on third-party platforms like
Greg Maletic, Panic’s head of special projects, expressed excitement about the success of Playdate developers, highlighting the quality of titles available on the platform. He emphasized the company’s commitment to supporting developers and spreading awareness about Playdate’s game store to help them find an audience for their projects.
The Playdate, originally launched in April 2022, has continued to garner attention and support from both developers and players alike. Stay tuned for an upcoming interview with Panic, the head of special projects and the head of Playdate developer relations, for more insights into the platform’s success and future plans.