We have suggestions for Clash of Clans level 6 village layout.
We have suggestions for Clash of Clans level 6 village layout! In this part of our series, where we try to include beautiful designs that will suit your level and purpose, we will include village designs that can be used by players with a level 6 Town Hall.
Clash of Clans Level 6 Village Layout
For Clash of Clans, the most important point in your designs for this level, which is located at a lower place than other high levels and is not considered far from the starting point of the game, will of course be to protect the resources we have. Let’s take a look at the designs suitable for 3 different purposes.
Cup Design
Although we do not think that there will be much need for a trophy protection design at these levels, we add this design to this list due to our format and rare players. In the design where the warehouses are a little further outside, we keep a significant part of our defense close to it in order to protect the Town Hall. As the only purpose of this design is to protect the number of trophies, we are trying to make it difficult for our opponent to reach the City Hall.
Resource Protection Design
We aim to maintain our continuity in development with resource conservation design, which is perhaps one of the most important designs for this level. For this reason, in the design where we place all our resource warehouses in the center, we place our extra defense buildings in the center. With the design that we have added other defense buildings around, and the Clan Castle located in the center, we make it very difficult for our opponent to get items. If you do not leave the Clan Castle empty, you can make it very difficult for an opponent equal to your level to get items from this village. And by conserving your resources, you can eliminate loot loss, one of the most important effects that will slow your progress.
Clan War Design
The clan war design you will do at this level may become dysfunctional if someone with a higher level attack from the opposing clan is likely. However, this is not always the case. Under normal circumstances, we place the Town Hall and the Clan Castle in the center with this design, which we have chosen assuming the future of a competitor. In this design where we keep the air defenses at the center, we try to prevent an extra star from our opponent by giving the defense weight close to the City Hall.
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